Information Technology History

Information Technology History February 7

So What Happened This Day February 7th In Information Technology History?

Since we all work with computers and depend upon their technology, I thought it might be interesting to learn what happened today in computer technology history.

February 7th Computer Technology Happening

February 7, 1956 Doug Ross presented a paper on Gestalt Programming at the Western Joint Computer Conference in Los Angeles. His presentation highlighted the concept of taking the 3 phases of human endeavor: concept, expression and execution and associating them with the use of a special machine language so the computer could process and tie them together into integrated units of computer behavior to achieve a desired result and effect.

What Does Gestalt Programming Really Mean?

In reality this led to taking human conversation and thinking and integrating it into units of computer behavior. This was known as the integration of human conversation and thinking (verbal or mental) with the mechanical capability of a computer to carry out complex concepts and repetitive behavior much faster than the human brain could ever achieve.

Here’s The Gestalt Programming Impact On Today

Today that’s exactly what happens. We take our computers and their inner workings for granted. Each day we think our thoughts (manually typing or verbally expressing) and expect the computer to take our thoughts and present them to others seamlessly.

 Your Next Step

Enjoy your usage of modern technology today.